Icon Schools

Sacred images

Icons are sacred images of Christ, and the Saints, as well as depictions of scenes from the Scriptures.

They are usually painted in egg tempera on a timber panel covered with linen and gesso. Icons are honoured in the church as aids to Christian devotion.

The three Uniting Church’s Icon Schools form an ecumenical community of artists, primarily painting (or writing) in the Byzantine style. Other traditions are explored, such as Ethiopian, Coptic, and Armenian. Some participants venture into original compositions within the discipline of icon writing. Research into the spirituality, theology and history of icons is a feature of the schools.

The Uniting Church Icon schools have about 50 active members,  drawn from all denominations. They meet in the hall at Auburn Uniting Church in three groups, one day a month.

One school meets on the first Saturday of each month, another on the first Monday of each month, and the third on the second Wednesday of each month. All schools begin at 10am and finish at 3.30pm.

A day’s program includes:
– two periods of an hour and a half for painting under supervision,
– a teaching session about some aspect of iconography (demonstration of technique, theology, history and a particular place rich in icons),
– a time for contemplative prayer before the icon for the day,
– a lunch  break.

Visit the Icon Schools’ website for more details.


Icon images from In God’s Image exhibition, 2015.