Art resources
Director's tips for using drama in worship

It’s the week before Pentecost and at the last minute you think, “Wouldn’t it be great to represent the reading dramatically”. You rush to the phone to see whether anyone from the youth group is able to come over on Friday night to practise.

“Okay, sure, I guess an hour before you head off to the pizza night should be enough time…. I guess we’ll iron out any problems before worship on Sunday morning.”

Sound familiar? It’s certainly been the experience of Artfull Faith Co-ordinator Christina Rowntree. So, to take the drama out of putting the drama into worship we’ve prepared a document to help. Download the PDF.

Mandala making unites groups
Chaplains and retreat leaders are often looking for an art project that will draw people together, form community, and provide a meditative, reflective space.  The rice mandala is a perfect project you might consider for its beauty, tactile quality and symbolism.  The process invites individuals to create in conjunction with…


How to make a versatile flexi-prop
The fun you can have with this prop is endless. The prop moves to create anything you want to represent. It also acts as a movable screen to be painted with light or projected images. In telling the story of Jonah at Synod Opening Worship we used two flexi-props to…
