
More than a fad, the renewed interest in intergenerational ministry is underpinned by a growing body of research that affirms intergenerational connections as key to sustainable, long-term faith formation and discipleship. However, even when churches embrace the language of “intergenerational,” they can still miss the mark with regard to genuinely transformative intergenerational practice. A more nuanced understanding of intergenerational, alongside a more intentional approach to implementation by church leadership, is required in order for faith communities – and the communities they serve – to more fully enjoy the blessing of an intergenerational approach to ministry…

Download the Intentional Intergenerationality resources


One important expression of mission focused on children and families within Australia is Messy Church, which is a multi-age discipleship community that usually includes hands-on creative experiences, a celebration time and a meal. Writing to date on the theology of mission in Messy Church focuses on hospitality, conversion and discipleship, and the nature of church. In this article, Andrea Mayes explores the opportunity to include the concepts of Missio Dei and holistic mission more intentionally as part of the theology supporting Messy Church.

Download Messy Church and a Holistic Approach to Mission with Children


Make it Messy!, held at the Centre for Theology and Ministry in Parkville for those already engaged in Messy Church, churches contemplating beginning a Messy Church and people genuinely curious about the Messy Church phenomenon, was a day of active engagement, stimulating discussions, encouraging stories and helpful electives designed to empower ministry in the local context.

Resources generated and shared on the day included…


The GenerateIntergenerational Ministry Practicalities event, held at the Centre for Theology and Ministry in Parkville, provided a great opportunity for the sharing of stories, learning from others and engaging deeply with intergenerational possibilities. Resources generated and share on the day included…


Emerging Parents, Intergenerational Worship
Not just another polemic about the exclusion of children from worship, this article seeks to name – and respond to – some of the arguments raised for keeping children out of regular services of worship. Wisely and concisely, some constructive ways forward are also suggested. Emerging Parents, Intergenerational Worship
