Stories of Childhood – Playgroup/Pre-school Ministry Training Day Saturday April 27 Parkville
The annual Stories of Childhood Playgroup/Pre-school Training Day, taking place in Parkville on Saturday April 27, is a great opportunity for any church engaged in ministry with young families. For ministers, pastors, leaders and team members involved in activities such as Playgroup, pre-school music programs and Sunday morning activities, Stories of Childhood will assist you and your church in connecting more deeply with the children and their carers you are called to serve. The excellent electives on offer across the day include…
More information and Registration: Stories of Childhood 2019 (flyer available here)
Children & Families Ministry: Core Issues – Jul 11-13, 15-17 PARKVILLE
Offered in Parkville for the FIRST time, this University of Divinity intensive unit (Jul 11-13, 15-17) is an excellent professional development opportunity for ministers, pastors, chaplains and those employed or deeply engaged in ministry with children and their families. Areas explored include the theological, developmental and methodological resources for contextual children and families ministries across the spectrum of Australian church based, community based and para-church expressions. Addressing the theology, spirituality and sociology of the child in relation to family, church, faith, culture, technology, history and philosophical discourse, the unit develops critical skills for evaluating and designing robust, contextual processes for discipleship, pastoral care, safe practice, mission and leadership with families. For more information e-mail
Final Lent & Easter Resources for 2019
Nb. See previous Updates for more ideas
Parenting and Faith
Some Practical Resources
From Christina Embree (Refocus)
Via InterGenerate (Aus) Conference
A VERY Eclectic Mix
Highlighted Opportunities
Aug 3 Generations
Aug 24 Make it Messy!
Sep 6 Prayer day for Schools
Jun 11-14 Leaders to Go
Australia’s premier conference for leaders of leaders of ministry with children and their families! Please save the dates and keep an eye out for more info.
Featuring: Facilitated in-put, Workshops, Market place and expo, live-in community, individual retreat, creativity, small groups, worship and reflection, prayer and networking and more!
Venue: The Tops Conference Centre, Stanwell Tops, NSW
Dates: 11-14 June 2019
Times: 2.30pm Tuesday – 1.30pm Friday
Aug 1-3 IAYSM Australasian Conference (Auckland)
The Australasian Regional conference of the International Association for the Study of Youth Ministry (IASYM) gathers people involved in children’s, youth and emerging/young adult ministry as teachers, lecturers, researchers or thoughtful practitioners across Asia, Australia and New Zealand. The conference provides an opportunity to engage with the latest scholarship and research related to Christian ministry among young people as well as a forum for building stronger networks.