eNews – February 2016
Friday, January 29, 2016
Invest into 2016
By Executive Director Rev Dr Jenny Byrnes
Once again my name did not appear in the Australia Day Honours list. I discussed this with my local milk bar owner – who had also failed to find his name in the list of recipients. We contemplated our lives and given that we had not become famous, how else we might assess whether we are making an effective contribution to the local community as well as exercising good global citizenship.
In the time it took to pay for my milk and newspaper we still had not resolved the question. How will I ensure that I will be a capable and competent contributor in 2016?
Well, I know that it just won’t happen without some attention and intention on my part. In a year where we seek to be positive influences in our national and local politics and significant contributors in our faith communities – staying fresh and with our eyes lifted above the detailed minutiae we are encouraged to invest in practices that instil our capacity to thrive and to empower others.
Practices to invest in for your 2016 are many and varied. Life-long learning is obviously one practice. The CTM has just delivered into the congregations and presbyteries of this Synod its array of opportunities for engagement through the year. The CTM Resourcing has gone online in 2016 enabling access and ordering for a range of resources to equip you and your congregation in ministry and mission.
Can I encourage you to plan your life-long learning now – making sure you intentionally claim time in your diary for the important commitment to stay fresh and inspired for discipleship and ministry in 2016. I can’t promise you an Australia Day honour next year but I can promise that you will feel engaged, uplifted and equipped when a life-long learning commitment is fulfilled, with discipleship and ministry enhanced.
CTM Resourcing now offering online buying
CTM Resourcing has joined the digital age, which means you can now source resources online from the comfort of your office desk, kitchen table or even on your tablet or phone.
You can search the entire resource catalogue or visit the ‘Themed Resources’ section of the site where, for example, we’ve grouped items that might appeal to those interested in particular areas of ministry.
CTM Resourcing is a rich trove of resources for supporting, encouraging and informing discipleship and ministry. The resources are texts, products and materials, primarily UCA-based, some sourced from external publishers and others generated by the Centre for Theology & Ministry.
CTM Resourcing will also continue to be present at Presbytery meetings, Synod meeting and events, and of course you can always get in touch with us over the phone, but we’re sure you’ll enjoy the convenience and ease of the online experience.
Visit the Resourcing area of the website to access CTM Resourcing.
Five additions to the Otira reading list in 2016
A quick reminder that Otira Theological Book club has added to its impressive library with five new titles in 2016. They are:
- Searching for Sunday by Rachel Held Evans | In Searching for Sunday, Held Evans exposes her own thorny relationship with church, articulating the concerns, frustrations, and hopes of many of her peers.
- Inklings edited by Mac Nicoll | A third volume of the work of 35 Australian poets, writers and artists at.
- Pondering Pieces of the Puzzle by Julianne Parker | A series of sermons offering some of the author’s knowledge and experiences across a range of contexts.
- Testing Tradition and Liberating Theology by Val Webb | A fast-paced, lay friendly book, backed by serious, inquisitive scholarship Webb shines a spotlight into dark corners and dusty shelves to observe ideas silenced and others declared eternal.
- Being Christian by Rowan Williams | Williams’ new book explores the meaning and practice of four essential components of the Christian life: baptism, Bible, Eucharist and prayer.
Visit the Otira Theological Book Club page to explore the book club’s collection and arrange your 2016 borrowing online.
Artwork Restoration
Earlier this week Libby Byrne returned ‘Sanctuary II’ to its place on the characterful walls of the Centre for Theology & Ministry’s building in Parkville, Melbourne. The painting was purchased by women in the Uniting Church in 2007 and Libby has restored the work so it’s back looking its radiant best. Thanks Libby!
Upcoming Events
January 2016
22-17 Feb | Caught in the Moment Exhibition – Warrnambool |
February 2016
18 | Sexuality and the the New Testament with Rev Bill Loader |
19 | Making Pastoral Sense of Sex |
20 | Artist Network Gathering |
22 | Semester two begins |
28 | Radiate |
March 2016
11-14 | Synod Social Justice Family Camp |
15 | Census Date Semester 1 |
18-20 | Surrender 2016 |
April 2016
19-20 | LL Core – Living Leadership Intensive (1/2) |
28 – 1 May | Uniting Women |
Bill Loader Double-header
Emeritus Professor of New Testament at Murdoch University, Extraordinary Professor at North-West University, South Africa, and a Minister of the UCA, Bill Loader is presenting two sessions at the Centre for Theology & Ministry during February.
From 2005-2010 Bill held a full time Australian Research Council Professorial Fellowship at Murdoch University to conduct research on attitudes towards sexuality in Jewish and Christian literature from the 3rd century BCE to the end of the first century CE. His work on sexuality is well known and respected for its balance and respect for the ancient texts, which he seeks to have us hear in their own terms.
6pm-9pm: Thursday, 18 February
Sexuality and the New Testament with Rev Dr Bill Loader
An evening session for lay people and local leaders exploring A First Century Perspective on Same-Gender Relations. Understand the biblical writers in their context, our own decisions in interpretation, and faithful responses in our contexts. Regional groups may live-stream this session which will include some small-group discussion and interaction. Bill Loader is an experienced Uniting Church minister who has studied the New Testament in great depth, as well as the contemporary writings of the Jewish and Hellenistic Roman cultures that surrounded the early Christians.
Bill’s New Testament lectionary resources are valuable for Lay Preacher and local worship leaders, and his many books explore faithful responses to the issues of our times.
9.30am-4.45pm: Friday, 19 February
Making Pastoral Sense of Sex
Explore the implications of New Testament understandings of sexuality and Same-Gender Relations.
This day, for ministers and other pastoral leaders, will explore the implications of New Testament understandings of sexuality and Same-Gender Relations for contemporary pastoral ministry. Bill Loader will lead two sessions on Sexuality in the World of the New Testament & Same-Gender Relations: A First Century Perspective and Cath McKinney will facilitate conversations that allow participants to explore how Bill’s scholarship shapes and informs pastoral ministry.
Attend in person or by Live Streaming. Discover more and book a spot by clicking here.
Warrnambool Exhibition
The impressive Caught in the Moment exhibition – the second VicTas Art and Spirituality Network group exhibition – is showing at Warrnambool Uniting Church, 115 Koroit St, Warrnambool, until February 17.
The exhibition is open Tuesday to Friday, 9am-1pm but you can confirm opening times at the congregation’s website.
Anne Mallaby opened the exhibition at its first showing in Parkville and you can read Anne’s opening words here.
Radiate 2016 gets underway in February
A fresh opportunity for young people to spend a year engaged in active learning and reflection about faith, life and leadership.
Radiate identifies and fosters youth and young adult leaders (aged 15-22) through a year of active learning and reflection on faith, life and leadership. Radiate offers the chance to attend four training days, have access to monthly e-resources, an online community and local mentoring.
Each training day is an opportunity for new leaders to join our community and Radiate’s first training day for 2016 is scheduled for 28 February. Don’t miss out.
Contact Drew Hanna or Age Greenwood for more details or visit the event page to book.