Messy Faith, Sticky Church

How can we more effectively connect with teenagers?
How can we more genuinely partner with families?
How can we more authentically engage with teenagers in intergenerational community?

Many leaders and their faith communities are asking these questions, and more, as they seek to be more intentional in their ministry engagement with young people. As more and more churches embrace the philosophy and practice of intergenerational ministry, whilst at the same time acknowledging the importance of generational ministry, fresh challenges need to be addressed.

Messy Faith, Sticky Church will encourage, energise and equip you to meet these challenges!

One of the most powerful things we can do in ministry is to connect teenagers and adults in meaningful, faith-nurturing relationships. Through participation in Messy Faith, Sticky Church ministers, pastors, youth leaders, parents and leaders of multi-age communities will be enabled for more effective ministry engagement with teenagers in the intergenerational space. Messy Faith, Sticky Church will assist leaders and parents in developing practical strategies for holistic engagement of teenagers, their families and the wider church family in intergenerational community.


Brad Griffin, Associate Director for the Fuller Youth Institute – Brad coordinates Fuller Youth Institute’s research efforts, leads workshops, develops resources, manages FYI’s online presence, consults with youth workers and is a keen blogger. Brad has co-authored Sticky Faith and has contributed to both Deep Ministry in a Shallow World and Halos and Avatars. Brad lives with his wife Missy and their three children in Pasadena.

Judyth Roberts, National Messy Church Consultant – In her Messy Church role, Judyth is a passionate advocate of Messy Church as “multi-age discipleship community”. Across her many decades serving the church, Judyth has also been instrumental in the development of intergenerational community in a variety of settings. On the family faith front, Judyth is married to Phil and they have three adult sons.

COST: $50 (Early Bird $40 if registered by 23 September)
Registrations appreciated by Friday, 30 September

9:30am – 3:00pm
Tuesday, 6 Oct 2015
The Centre for Theology & Ministry
29 College Cres., Parkville VIC 3052
Contact; 9340 8815