A Changed Climate for Theology

Is you congregation/community engaged in the dialogue about climate change?  Are you wanting to integrate your theological understanding with your political inclinations, and to lead your congregation to do the same? What resources does the Christian faith and tradition have to offer in the conversation?

With global church leaders increasingly engaging with the topic of climate change, people of faith are seeking to become more involved in the discussion about what it means to live in a physically changing and inequitable world. Australia’s geography makes it particularly vulnerable to an altered climate, and it is therefore especially able to benefit from an ecologically informed and lucid local church. In this unit students will be introduced to the phenomenon of climate change itself, including a range of interrelated issues such as ocean pollution, over-fishing and deforestation. In particular, students will learn to critically assess the challenges that a changed environmental understanding poses for Christian theology and practice, and will explore some of the tradition’s rich resources which can inform fruitful dialogue within and beyond the community of faith about Christian responses to environmental imperatives.

Dates: February 1, 2, 4 and 5

Course Code: CT9040P; Online – CT9049P
Lecturer: Deborah Guess


For UCA ministers Continuing Education Grants are available to assist with costs: https://ctm.uca.edu.au/resources/funding-scholarships/. If several colleagues are interested in enrolling together, support will be given if they wish to meet in an ongoing way after the unit in a Peer Learning Group to consider how learnings from the unit impact theological reflection and ministry practice in their contexts.

Please contact the Continuing Education Coordinator for further information: fran.barber@victas.uca.org.au

To enrol, please contact the Pilgrim Theological College registrar, Erlinda Loverseed: registrar@pilgrim.edu.au, or ph 9340 8892

Friday, 1 Feb 2019
The Centre for Theology & Ministry
29 College Cres., Parkville VIC 3052
Erlinda Loverseed: registrar@pilgrim.edu.au, or ph 9340 8892