DA1/8000P Children and Families Ministry:
Core issues in diverse contexts

This unit examines the theological, developmental and methodological resources for contextual children and families ministries across the spectrum of Australian church based, community based and para-church expressions. Addressing the theology, spirituality and sociology of the child in relation to family, church, faith, culture, technology, history and philosophical discourse, the unit develops critical skills for evaluating and designing robust, contextual processes for discipleship, pastoral care, safe practice, mission and leadership with children and their families.

Thursday, 11 Jul 2019 – Saturday, 13 Jul 2019
Monday, 15 Jul 2019 – Wednesday, 17 Jul 2019
Pilgrim Theological College
29 College Crescent
Parkville, Victoria 3052 Australia
03 9340 8892; study@pilgrim.edu.au