Earth Arts

Over the past few months the Artist Network has focussed attention expressing connection to the Earth through a variety of arts practices.  This month its over to you. You are invited to share examples of your own artwork and engagement with earth-based art practice at our next gathering.  Please bring a CD or USB with images (jpegs, or in ppt) we can project and be ready to speak about your work for 5 – 10 minutes.

Our explorations began by view John Wolseley’s Heartlands and Headwaters exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria Australia.  His collaborations with nature and physical engagement in the landscape rejects “European landscape conventions that often reduce a complex living system to a static and generalised representation.  Instead, he endeavours to reveal the dynamic processes of natural ecosystems in a gesamtkunstwerk (total work of art)” writes Tony Ellwood in a foreword to the Heartlands and Headwaters catalogue.  Wolseley uses a range of processes such as frottage, nature printing, along with more traditional drawing and watercolour practices.

What processes are you engaging?  How has the Earth Arts focus shifted your observation of nature, or invited collaboration with nature?  Did your experience of Random Weaving offer new insights into your capacity for not-knowing, or accepting loss of control, as it did for me?  What connections, or disconnections with your faith or spiritual journey have these experiences fostered, fragmented, confirmed, or challenged?  As artists, how may we contribute to fostering care of the Earth in a time of environmental degradation and climate change?  Even if you have not attended earlier gatherings in this series, you are most welcome to participate!

Presenter: Network artists share earth-based arts practice, plus Skype with Michelle Maloney, Australian Earth Laws Alliance

Cost: no cost, just bring some lunch to share

RSVP:  to Christina, Thursday 20 August, 2015 to help with planning, but feel free to turn up if you haven’t replied.

Image: Helen Cannon, Droughtree, Mixed Media

12:30pm – 4:30pm
Saturday, 22 Aug 2015
Centre for Theology & Ministry
29 College Cres, Parkville, 3052
Christina Rowntree