2nd Biennial History Conference
Uniting Church National History Society
What does it mean to belong to the Uniting Church? Many grew up Congregationalist, Methodist or Presbyterian. Others have grown up in the Uniting Church. Some have only ever known the Uniting Church as their spiritual home and others have transferred in from other denominations. What does it mean to find a home in a church that describes itself as Evangelical and Reformed and is at the same time committed to theological diversity?
Keynote Speakers:
Full event (Fri evening through Sunday evening):
Full price: $150
EarlyBird (to 26 April): $120
Concession rate: $130/$100 earlybird (ENTER CODE “CONC” when prompted during registration)
UCNHS Members: $130/$100 earlybird (ENTER CODE “UCNHS” when prompted during registration)
Single Day: $65
Friday evening only: $20
Monday UCNHS Meeting: no charge
To register for the full event or for any part visit http://www.trybooking.com/BBQBE