Introducing Messy Church afternoons provide the opportunity for people to find out more about Messy Church, experience Messy Church and de-brief their Messy Church engagement. Participants can pick and choose which part of the afternoon/evening they attend, depending on their interest/needs.
4pm Find out about Messy Church
5.15pm Break
5.30pm Experience Messy Church
7.30pm Debrief your Messy Church experience
8pm Finish
The 4pm to 5.15pm session, with Chris Barnett from the Centre for Theology & Ministry, provides general information on beginning and running a Messy Church. From 5.30pm to 7.30pm there is the opportunity to join in with the “normal” Messy Church gathering.
The final component, from 7.30pm to 8pm, is an opportunity for people to reflect on their actual experience of Messy Church and ask any further questions.
For more information and/or to indicate your participation, please call Susan Pearse on 5358 1161 or e-mail
Chris Barnett is the Children & Families Ministry Co-ordinator at the Uniting Church Synod of Victoria and Tasmania’s Centre for Theology & Ministry. In line with previous roles in local congregations and in the ecumenical context, he relentlessly pursues the equipping, encouraging and empowering of teams of volunteers and staff into collaborative best practice ministry among people of all ages. He is married to Beth, and together they have two great teenage lads.