Justice and International Mission Conference

Join us for our annual social justice convention where we will discuss our theme for 2018, Growing Peaceful Communities, as well as the social justice campaigns the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania is working on.


Zione Walker-Nthenda: Lawyer, Diversity & Inclusion Specialist

Zione has extensive experience as a law reform and policy lawyer, having sat on the key state government family violence reference and advisory committees during periods of significant legal reforms in Victoria. She was the national co-convenor of Women’s Legal Services Australia and the Victorian co-convenor of Violence Against Women and Children Working Group (VAWAC).

Rob Hulls: Director, Centre for Innovative Justice

The Centre for Innovative Justice researches, translates, advocates and applies innovative/alternative ways to improve the justice system. Rob also served one term in Federal Parliament among other political terms. As Attorney-General, Rob instigated significant changes to Victoria’s legal system which saw the establishment of the state’s first Charter of Human Rights.

Inspector Mark Nichols: Victoria Police

Mark leads the Frontline Engagement Team in the Priority Communities Division of the Victoria Police Capability Department. The team focusses on building police capability to proactively engage with their local community to ensure they feel safe, understood, respected and valued. Our priority is to deliver services that protect human rights, enable social cohesion and value diversity.

Wendy Austin: Family Violence Prevention Advocate, Consultant

Wendy has been active in the family violence sector since 1978. She is a former manager of the Brenda House Domestic Violence Service, and was involved in setting up Domestic Violence Victoria. Now she works as a consultant assisting the sector in implementing the recommendations from the 2016 Royal Commission. One of her current roles includes Independent Chair of the Eastern Regional Family Violence Partnership.

9:00am – 4:30pm
Saturday, 27 Oct 2018
The Centre for Theology & Ministry
29 College Cres., Parkville VIC 3052