Build capacity, insight and resilience in leadership through participation, by yourself or with other team* members, in this four-day intensive learning opportunity that will be held over two periods of two days in April and May.
Hosted by the Presbytery of Western Victoria and facilitiated by the experienced Centre for Theology and Ministry (CTM) team, this program offers CORE learnings. and engages the skill, passion and diversity of the CTM team to deliver interactive and challenging sessions.
Full participation is expected in both two-day blocks in order to most effectively develop depth and strength for the living leadership offered by you and the teams of which you are a part.
You’ll ramp-up the self-reflective intensity through the coaching stream, practice theological reflection in various models, and stoke your passion for living leadership.
*What is a team?
In this context our understanding of a team is two or more people who are functioning together to achieve an outcome. Examples of teams expected to benefit from participating in this program include: