Storywork: A full day workshop
for storytellers

STORYWORK with Pa?draig O? Tuama

Pa?draig is a peacemaker, poet/prophet and artist/theologian. He writes poems, prose and prayers, and has led writing workshops and art retreats. He has also been artist in residence at Synod meetings.

Pa?draig leads the Corrymeela Community in Northern Ireland and is committed to the healing of social, religious and political divisions that exist in Northern Ireland and throughout the world.

“Pa?draig O? Tuama is an extraordinary person, whose influence extends quietly and gracefully across the world. His poetry bears these same qualities and brings him close. It is a gift to us all.” – Krista Tippett (Creator and host of ‘On Being’)

For full bibliography go to:

Storywork: A full day workshop for storytellers

During the day, Pa?draig will engage you in practices of using story in congregations and community groups.

Everywhere we are surrounded by story. Someone will say “You’ll never guess what happened me on the tram today”, or “I can’t believe my boss is such an idiot”. Behind every statement lies a story, and behind every story lies another story. This session will use narrative technique to bring stories out in the gathered room, and share narrative techniques for use in congregational and community groups.

The Gospels as Story: Wandering through the Narrative Pathways of the Gospels.

If you were to tell the gospel as story, where would you start? Whose voice would you use? What techniques would you employ for drama, tension, pain and insight? Which characters would you present sympathetically? How would you distinguish your use of narration? What would you imagine about your audiences, and what would you hope your work in telling would achieve?

The four gospels are, ultimately, works of literature. Each has a particular style and the gospel writers craft their characters (Jesus, Pharisees, anonymous people) with distinction. This session will explore some of the literary and artistic particularities of the sketches of Jesus — and others — in the four gospels.

Morning and afternoon tea with healthy snacks will be provided.

Plan to arrive at 9.30am to settle in, have a cuppa and meet other participants.

What to bring:



$120 full price (waged)
$90 (part-waged, part-time students, seniors card) $75 (full-time students, pension card holders)

Seminar only:
$15 waged
$10 concession (students, pension card, part-time workers)

Storywork only:
$110 waged
$70 concession (students, pension card, part-time workers)

Christina Rowntree, Theology and the Arts Ministry, P: 9340 8813, E: or contact Ann Byrne for help with registration at or 9340 8815

Please register online at


See the connected event: Seminar: Theology as Story: Believing in the Truth of People


10:00am – 4:00pm
Friday, 10 May 2019
The Centre for Theology & Ministry
29 College Cres., Parkville VIC 3052
Ann Byrne at or 03 9340 8800