Thriving Ministry Leadership (Shepparton)

Andrew McDonough, best known as the author and illustrator of the Lost Sheep books, is coming to Victoria!

Drawing on his wide experience in ministry, including working as a pastor amongst the homeless, supporting people struggling with addictions and advocating for refugees, Andrew will be facilitating a series of workshops entitled Thriving Ministry Leadership: lessons from a duck, an echidna, a caterpillar and a tree.

Focused on those in ministry leadership, such as ministers, deacons, pastors, chaplains, lay preachers, church council members and those with specific responsibility for children, young people and families, these sessions will be immensely inspiring, encouraging and practical.

Andrew will also highlight his latest book Jesus was a refugee.

Cost: $20

Duration: 2.5 hours

Registrations appreciated by Friday February 22 More information or off-line registration:
03 9340 8800 or

10:00am – 12:30pm
Tuesday, 26 Feb 2019
Shepparton Uniting Church
Cnr Fryers & Corio Streets, SHEPPARTON
Ann Byrne at or 03 9340 8800