Vanuatu Women in Leadership – Book Launch

Rev Seforosa Carroll
Manager, Church Partnerships, Pacific
UnitingWorld, an agency of the National Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia
Sef is a Fiji-born Rotuman who spent her formative years growing up in Lautoka, the Western side of Viti Levu in Fiji. These formative experiences continue to inform Sef’s theological reflection on interfaith and cross-cultural relationships, gender and culture. Having lived in Australia since 1987, Sef has always maintained connections with the Pacific, particularly Pacific Islanders living in the diaspora. This includes work with the Pacific Island Women’s Advocacy Services, South Pacific Association of Theological Schools, Pacific theologies conference, Association of Oceanian Women Theologians and Alan Walker College of Evangelism. Her ministry has included work with congregations of Five Dock/Drummoyne, Caves Beach, St Clair and MLC School.

Source: Uniting World

4:30pm – 6:00pm
Tuesday, 6 Oct 2015
The Centre for Theology & Ministry
29 College Cres., Parkville VIC 3052
Contact; 9340 8800