New – CTM Resourcing!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

The New and Improved CTM Resourcing Site

CTM Resourcing (the revamped Unichurch Resources) is a rich trove of resources for supporting, encouraging and informing discipleship and ministry. The resources available include texts, products and materials, primarily UCA-based, some sourced from external publishers and others generated by the Centre for Theology & Ministry. We are committed to resourcing and facilitating learning opportunities across the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania, and to the rest of the Church, available to groups, presbyteries and individuals, whether they are lay or ordained. There is no need to hold an account to purchase-it is optional. However, if ordering on behalf of a congregation or presbytery, please include the Treasurer’s details in the billing section.

Products are either ‘in stock’ and will be posted immediately, ‘need to be ordered’ and will take a bit longer to receive, ‘special orders’, which are ordered on special request or ‘digital downloads’ that are produced in-house. These items, once ordered, will be sent directly for download via email.

Some of the resources you will find on the CTM Resourcing website include all your Uniting Church needs – baptism certificates, UCA logo stickers, Basis of Union commentary, accounting transaction sheets, copies of Together in Song. We also have all the key resources that will help your focused ministry areas such as Youth and Young Adults, Children and Families, Lay Preachers and more.

UCA members receive a 10% discount when purchasing online – just enter this code UCAMember16 at checkout.

We encourage you to use our new efficient online store  reached via ‘Resources’ on the CTM website but phone
9340 8800 and email orders are also available.

Coming in 2017 – Students will be able to buy Pilgrim College required texts as listed in the handbook.
