Your gift enables us to deliver our vision
The Centre for Theology & Ministry is working towards the development of a program that will enable you to support our work as a global leader in the provision of ecumenical theological education.
Our program will include:
- Alumni and Friends program
- Giving program, including donations and bequests
- Merchandise sales
- Grant and Award sponsorships
As we work towards this objective please remember that any support you can give to the Centre and its programs is an investment in the continuation of our aim to offer exceptional opportunities for learning and leadership formation.
Bequest Program
The Centre for Theology & Ministry is pleased to accept bequests of cash, property, shares or bonds, or even a percentage of the value of an estate.
You may designate that your bequest to the Centre is unrestricted, enabling the Centre to best apply the bequest, or you may designate where and how the bequest funds will be used. In either event please contact the Centre. And, if you intend to leave a bequest to the Centre for Theology & Ministry you should have your will prepared by a solicitor or trustee company representative and review it regularly to ensure it meets your needs.
Please contact the Centre for details if you’d like to support our work.