Art Gallery
Stimulating and provoking engagement
Primarily part of the work of the Artfull Faith ministry area, the gallery is open to the public and available for all to visit. The space runs the length of the Centre for Theology & Ministry building and is a wonderful space to display hung work. The art exhibited is committed to stimulate and provoke engagement with theology and spirituality through visual interpretation.
Gallery hanging system
The Centre boasts a professional gallery hanging system incorporating suspended wires, movable hooks, and track lighting, with approximately 14.3 linear metres of hanging space available. Larger, heavier works may be hung on the adjacent brick walls on fixed masonry hooks, while smaller works can be hung on the hoop-pine panelling located around the building’s lift well.
The gallery’s lighting system provides 16-focusable lights, giving ideal coverage of the main gallery wall.
Gallery information
Download the Art Gallery Information Sheet for details on the size of gallery spaces, hanging requirements and restrictions on hanging materials.
Wyselaskie Foyer
The Wyselaskie Foyer provides a well-furnished open space suitable for sculpture and may be booked for a small fee for your exhibition launch.
If you are an artist interested in exhibiting your work in the Centre for Theology & Ministry please contact Artfull Faith Co-ordinator, Christina Rowntree, for more information and to discuss your proposal. Solo and group exhibitions by artists may be arranged where work is available for sale, and a commission paid to the Centre for Theology & Ministry.