Keeping Children Safe


Our Commitment to Children
and Young People

As part of the Uniting Church in Australia all children and young people engaging with the Centre for Theology & Ministry (CTM), including Pilgrim Theological College and Maclean House, have a right to feel safe, be safe, be respected, be valued and be confident in accessing these rights.

The CTM will therefore take all necessary steps to create and maintain an environment that is safe from physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, and cultural harm to children and young people. The welfare of children and young people is our priority and the CTM has a zero tolerance for any behaviour that has the potential to result in harm.

The CTM will periodically conduct reviews to identify risks and vulnerabilities in our programs and our organisation.

Please be aware that all children on site outside business hours are the responsibility of the parent or supervisor.

For Further Information Contact:
Mr Josh Woollett
Church Safety Educator
UCA Synod of Victoria and Tasmania
03 9251 5288

To view the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania’s Keeping Children Safe policies and procedures, please visit here: