Young people making change
Yerp is a toolkit. It’s a package of information to support one big idea – that young people have an important role in shaping the present and future of Victoria. If you’re 12-25, Yerp will give you ideas for stepping up and making change in your community. If you’re older,…


Email Newsletter

YACVic’s fortnightly e-bulletin goes out to 2500+ subscribers across Victoria with the latest news, training & events, and employment opportunities from YACVic and the Victorian youth sector.

Well worth being a subscriber…plus it is free!

sign up here

On the road

UCA Youth have an amazing amount of experience in working with young people and engaging local mission. We also have a passion for seeing your ministry with young people thrive and be effective.

So we are available to come to you and help you train your people. You just need to provide the coffee!

Contact us on (03) 9340 8815 or info@ucayouth.org.au

Empowering learning and discipleship
We know attending Yuróra raised the passion, deepen the discipleship, and energise the faith of young people by putting their faith into action in the world. Yuróra does means ‘passionate’ after all. To encourage and enable young people who otherwise may not be able to attend, UCA Youth and the Centre…


Following the 4Corners report on juvenile detention centres in the NT, many of us wanted to respond. So when Steve Bevis put the call out for funding to support The Meeting Place drop-in centre in Alice Springs, Yurora determined to stand alongside Steve & the team. Yurora launched a special…


Resources to help you plan are ready to download

Take a cue from Rohan, Merryn, Age and Christina and head on over to the resources area of the Youth Ministry part of the website to download our planner and flyer.

Future dates of youth conventions
The National Christian Youth Convention (NCYC) is a week-long youth event held by the Uniting Church in Australia. Here is some news out of the Uniting Church in Australia in regards to future NCYCs: Greetings I’m writing to advise you that the Assembly Formation, Education & Discipleship Working Group recently…


Engaging and empowering young people
UCA Youth Growing Apostles in as approach to youth ministry developed by staff of the Youth and Children’s ministry Unit (YACMU) in the Queensland Synod. This team of Uniting Church youth workers bring years of experience, study, research and commitment and combine it with a passion for ensuring that youth…


Engaging and empowering young people
UCA Youth advocates, resources, trains and consults congregations, presbyteries and the Uniting Church in Australia VicTas Synod on how to connect, enthuse and empower young people to live a life following Jesus. Information on this website will help you understand the type of work we do, but the key piece…
